
Finding Dublin’s deeper side – Alexandra Basin


When you talk about Alexandra Basin, you are talking about the dreams of one young man:  Bindon Blood Stoney. He was the assistant engineer who had considerable vision, and conceived of much larger ships one day arriving in Dublin port. Today all of the new quays and docks that were designed and built by him are still able to take the biggest ships that are capable of entering the port. Keep Reading

Storm Emma brings Snow to Dublin


Storm Emma was a snow storm blizzard that hot Ireland in March of 2018, having arrived from the direction of the Bay of Biscay in France. It was the worst snow storm to hit Ireland since 2009, and brought the country to a slowdown for two working days. It is not often that Dublin experiences such level of snow. And here are some photos from the week when Emma dropped into town.

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Dun Laoighre East Lighthouse


Dun Laoighre East Lighthouse was built in 1847. It is 17 metres and it became fully automated on 31 October 1977. This lighthouse was designed by George Halpin, that super productive engineer of the Ballast Port.

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Bremore – Possible Passage Tombs


In Bremore there are five mounds – presumably passage tombs – the largest is three metres high. It is 25 metres in diameter. It is near the River Delvin




photo: https://www.panoramio.com/photo/3735420



Lambay Axe Factory


Lambay Island was a Neolithic axe factory. As well as stones being quarried here, they were also carved into “roughs” – and brought elsewhere for finishing. Between 1993-2001, there was a search in a valley on the western end of Lambay Island to search for evidence of the working of porphyritic andesite (porphyry) for stone axe production. This production was confirmed along with the placing Neolithic pottery and worked flint into sealed pits.

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Laughanstown, Wedge Tomb


The Wedge Tomb in Laughanstown is about 50 metres from the junction of the M50 and Cherrywood. This once stood on high ground with great views to the south but the new road is 30 metres higher so the view is no longer clear

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